“Why are Gen Zers like Mille Bobby Brown ageing so badly?” screamed a Mail Online headline, which I’ll assume passed you by, but it’s one of a string of similar stories which include “What HAS Millie Bobby Brown done to her face?”
Not to sound too po-faced, but this stuff isn’t journalism. It’s a story generated from a couple of comments from random people on social media, but it does good business.
The reason I mention it is that on this occasion Millie Bobby Brown (who’s an actress by the way) has snapped and taken to instagram to call out publicly the four people who wrote the bulk of the stories.
“This is bullying. The fact that adult writers are spending their time dissecting my face, my body, my choices is disturbing. That some of these articles are written by women makes it worse.”
One of those women is a Mail freelancer, Lydia Hawken and the only one to respond publicly. On Tik Tok she said:
“I work on a rota system and sometimes I get to pitch stories that are my own…but more often than not I get assigned stories decided upon by an editorial team. The story about Millie Bobby Brown fell into the latter category.”
She went on to say;
“I want to say I’m sorry for writing the story and for not being brave enough to say no…This morning I officially resigned from The Mail and I won’t work with them again.”
A grim insight into one of the grubbier corners of the journalism landscape.
Source: Mic Wright