

“Media Training A-Z” – C is for Champion

New initiatives are often supported by well honed publicity but beware borrowing straplines and slogans to use on air. For a start they’re often written and geared for a specific purpose such as for digital ads or the splash on a banner stand. When inserted in to a conversation they can just sound a little bit empty or even phoney. Take the principles of that new initiative and start talking in a way that makes sense conversationally. Otherwise you might appear more like a well choreographed cheerleader with pom poms at the ready.

By |7 February 2021|

Media News – 5th February

RTS Awards:
The RTS Television Journalism Awards nominations were announced last week. Top Lines include:
1) John King, CNN’s election wizard (who managed to demonstrate an encyclopaedic knowledge of the US electoral map despite having about 3 hours sleep in a week) is the first overseas presenter ever to be nominated.
2) The BBC’s Clive Myrie is nominated twice – for Network Presenter (alongside King and Victoria Derbyshire) and Television Journalist (alongside Alex Crawford and Robert Moore).
3) Two of the three nominees for Specialist Journalist are from Channel 4 News – Gary Gibbon and Victoria Macdonald.
Full list of nominations here
New European:
A consortium including Mark Thompson and Lionel Barber has conducted a management buy-out of The New European. Amol Rajan broke the story
Fox News:
“The network seems to have made a chaotic lunge towards the right wing in recent weeks as hosts have dabbled in conspiracy theories and aggressively attacked the Joe Biden administration.”

Fox News lurches further to the right to win back ‘hard-edge’ Trump supporters.

By |7 February 2021|

Media News – 29th January

GB Snooze
We feel like it’s our duty to update you on this ongoing saga, despite the thought of the whole thing making me feel a bit queasy…however GB News has made its first (and entirely predictable) “big-name” signing.
Those of you who start your morning with a daily politics newsletter (we recommend Politico) should have a listen to this excellent podcast charting their rise in popularity and influence in the corridors of power.
Thanks to so many of you who alerted us to this timely reminder to check your bookshelf before undergoing a TV interview…
By |29 January 2021|

“Media Training A-Z” – B is for Bold

Be mindful, and choose the moment in an interview when you can be decisive. Some online conversations get mired in equivocation not because of the complexity of the subject but simply due to the speaker being over- cautious. So in that vital prep time ask yourself “when is it possible (if at all) to wholeheartedly affirm or deny?” Using a Yes or a No is refreshing because it is rarely heard. The flip-side to all this is to be clear in your mind when to apply caution in your answers. It comes down to asking yourself the right questions before that Zoom recording starts and testing how it sounds by talking out loud in private and offline before you go live.

By |29 January 2021|





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