

From @InsideEdgeMedia

So many people we work with say they never watch their interviews back. (You should. It’s usually always better than you think it will be.) Here are 5 people who could give you feedback:

1) The producer
Possible but unlikely. Producers are busy and won’t prioritise feedback. Ask when the initial bid is made from the journalist. “I’m happy to do the interview but I’d really appreciate some feedback”

2) Your press officer
Sometimes reluctant to feedback negatively, particularly if they are in a more junior role to you. One tip is to ask for 2 positive and 2 negative comments from the interview

3) A critical friend
Someone completely unrelated to your topic – did the language work for them? Did the story have sufficient impact?

4) Listeners/Viewers
Social media is a very warped filter from which to glean feedback, so take comments with a large bucket of salt, but observations can occasionally be extremely perceptive and well-informed

5) You
Always listen and watch back interviews you undertake. Virtually all programmes are online after broadcast. Critique yourself fairly but don’t forget to reflect on the positives. We tend to skate over the good stuff.

PS One of our followers @lhammondsoas, added an excellent sixth:

6. Your parents (and/or kids). If they are like mine, they will be brutal but honest. And they’ll love you anyway.

By |26 November 2020|

Media Training Tips

By |23 November 2020|

“Media Training A-Z”: X is for Xmas

Such a frantic lead up, and then it’s all over in a flash – apart from the stray wrapping paper and some cold fowl. That lengthy preparation period can feel a chore and prepping for an upcoming interview can appear equally thankless. One way to cut the pain is have stored away terrific illustrations and pithy explanations ahead of time. Make talking through your subject and getting critiqued by colleagues a monthly event. Check out what’s contentious through regular catch ups with your comms team. It’s a bit like baking the Christmas cake in advance; it’ll improve with time and you’re not under the same time pressure.
By |23 November 2020|

Not Your Usual Stormy Sunday Political Interview

Our highly valued ‘Media Training In High Winds’ course is now open for booking…

By |16 November 2020|





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