

From @InsideEdgeMedia

How’s this for an Election Day media schedule for Democrat and former Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg…

By |3 November 2020|

From @InsideEdgeMedia

“Be assertive and specific as to how you want to be introduced. A job title and organisation credit should be fine. It means you don’t have to shoehorn in too many clumsy references during the interview itself.”


By |3 November 2020|

“The Media Training A-Z” – U is for Underpowered

“Often we start answers with vigour and then energy tails away. Great examples and arguments are lost to the viewer because a lack of energy signals:

“There is nothing of interest here”. We switch off.

This diminuendo can be because the speaker lacks confidence in what they’re saying. It’s sometimes because they’re already thinking about the next point rather than focussing on what they’re actually saying now – it can on occasions be accompanied by a slightly distracted look. So, don’t waste your content. Energise to your closing words and stay in the moment.”

By |2 November 2020|

Media News – w/e 30th October

Here’s a preview of this week’s Media News section of the Monday Media Briefing:

Another Briefing, another high profile BBC departure. This time it’s the excellent Mark Mardell, who announced on Twitter that yesterday’s World At One and World Tonight would be his last after 30 years at the Corporation.

With the seismic election just a day away, this is an excellent article from the Columbia Journalism Review on how the press has covered the last four years of the Trump presidency

Sir Harold Evans died earlier this year. We’d recommend this Archive on 4 from 2018 in which Razia Iqbal travels to New York to interview the Legend of Fleet Street.

“Print will prosper for much longer than anyone thinks” The i reaches 10 years. Here, the current editor reflects.

By |30 October 2020|





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